Schedule a Consultation
Does this sound like you?
You are experiencing stress, urge, or mixed incontinence...
You want a natural treatment. You aren’t ready for prescription medications, or you’re already taking them but are concerned about their side effects. You’re not ready for surgery.
is effective...
FemiScan® is like your own personal trainer.
It’s a biofeedback device for stress incontinence, urge incontinence, and mixed incontinence in women. It makes Kegel exercises more effective by giving you feedback on your Kegel exercises – what you did well and what you need to change at each session.
Over the 6 – 8 weeks of treatment twice each week your technique will improve and your pelvic floor muscles will get stronger.
In a study of 215 women who used FemiScan® over 8 weeks, 75% of women reported a significant decrease in their leakage (80%). 214 of those women (99.5%) said they would recommend FemiScan® to others. (Segal et al).
Your first visit is a consultation with us. We screen your medical history and do a pelvic ultrasound to make sure you’re a candidate for FemiScan®. If you are, then we schedule your first appointment. At your first appointment we’ll give you your own device cover and train you to do the treatment. Then you go into your own private treatment room.
Here's how treatment with Femiscan® works...
Each treatment takes about 15 minutes. If you need help we are there for you. After the treatment we give you the feedback on your results, and you take your FemiScan® cover home with you.